How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather
As the days get warmer heading into the summer months, learning how to stay cool in hot weather can really make a great deal of difference for your overall comfort. There is nothing worse than sitting in a hot stuffy room with no sign of cooling down in sight.
Keeping cool in hot weather can seem difficult or even impossible, sometimes it’s like you can’t escape the heat no matter what you do. There are however some tips that you can implement in order to keep cool in the heat, you do not have to suffer the effects of excessive heat for long if you follow our tips and advice.
Install air conditioning
The simplest and most effective answer to how to stay cool in hot weather is by simply installing air conditioning. At D-Mec Services we are expert providers of all sorts of air conditioning units that would be perfect for keeping you cool.
We have over 20 years of air conditioning service experience, we know all about how good our systems are at keeping cool in hot weather. You will be able to control the climate of your rooms to the exact specification that you find comfortable; they really are the ultimate cooling solution against hot weather. If you would like to make the most of our air conditioning services, get in touch with D-Mec today.
Freeze fruit and drinks
A great and refreshing way of how to stay cool in hot weather is by freezing fruits, sweets or any form of treat. Not only are they delicious, but they are also great at cooling you down.
Similarly, freezing your drinks, such as bottled water or fruit juices, can keep you hydrated and cool at the same time. A great way of creating a tasty beverage is by mixing your fruit juice up into a sandwich bag, freezing and then crushing the ice in the bag. This creates a tasty slushy that will help to cool you down.
Sleep under sheets not duvets
One mistake that a lot of people make during hot weather is not adapting their sleeping routines. People will continue to sleep underneath their thick duvets no matter how hot the weather is. Common sense would suggest that this is not the right thing to do but getting out of a routine can be difficult.
If you go on holiday to a hot country you will often find that there are no duvets in sight. You will usually sleep underneath a thin bed sheet that is perfect for the environment. Making this change will greatly improve your sleep during the summer, simply sleep underneath a bed sheet as opposed to a duvet and you will notice a difference in no time.
Drink hot drinks
Believe it or not, drinking hot drinks can really make a difference to your temperature levels. A nice cup of coffee or a lovely mug of tea can help to lower your body temperature by increasing your bodies perspiration.
Sweating more, as long as it can all evaporate away, is your bodies natural way of lowering your body temperature. Sweating compensates for the added heat from the hot drink, and the evaporation of the sweat from the skin actually releases energy and heat from your body.

Apply ice or cold water to your pulse points
Your pulse points, such as your wrists or your temples, are veins directly leading to your heart. When you are hot, your blood will also increase in temperature, regulating this can be a great way of managing your overall body heat.
One way that you can change the temperature of your blood is by applying ice or cold water to your pulse points on your body. Your pulse points are located on the inside of your wrists, your neck and your temples. Simply place an ice cube or a cold, wet flannel on these points and you should notice a quick change to body temperature.
Wear loose clothing
Tight-fitting clothing is not a good way to keep cool. When asking the question of how to stay cool in hot weather, not many people think of what they are actually wearing. Of course, the jumpers and hoodies that you wear in the winter are put away, but people still wear some tight-fitting clothing.
Consider swapping out those skinny jeans for loose-fitting shorts, or those muscle fit t-shirts for a loose-fitting, preferably cotton button-up. Loose clothing allows for whatever breeze there is to get onto your skin, rather than being blocked out by your tight clothes.
Change your routine around the day
According to the NHS, the hours to avoid during the day are between 11am and 3pm. Obviously, you are going to need to do things during this time, but on free days consider changing your routine to make sure that you are out of the sun.
The sun is at its hottest point at midday, usually when it is directly overhead. If you are looking at doing something outside that is in direct sunlight in this period, you should think about moving the job earlier or later to keep out of the heat.
Adapt your diet
Another idea for keeping cool in hot weather that does seem quite obvious is adapting your diet. You will not be doing yourself any favours by having large, hot meals during the summertime.
For example, a shepherd’s pie will only serve to heat you up, whereas a light salad will go a long way towards lowering your body temperature. Another great idea for cooling down during hot weather is eating outdoors. If you have sufficient garden space then set up a table and chairs, perhaps a parasol, and take your dinner alfresco.

Have cold showers or baths
A cold shower or bath is a great way of starting or ending the day in a refreshing way. Rather than having your regular hot shower, which will only make your body temperature higher, consider a cold shower. Not only will they get you clean, but they also provide a lot of benefits for your body.
They of course reduce your temperate, which is perfect for how to stay cool in hot weather, but they also open up the pores and increases the number of white blood cells in your body. These white blood cells fight against common illnesses and diseases and can make you healthier overall.
Purchase fly shields for doors
The common response when the heat begins to roll in is to open up all of the windows and doors in your home or office. Whilst this does increase airflow around your buildings, you will also notice a lot of unwanted guests.
A great way to protect against flies, bees and wasps entering your home or office is to install fly shields or curtains on your doors. These curtains or shields sit above your doorways and provide a barrier that flies, and insects cannot get through, allowing you to get fresh air without any intruders.
Again, the only sure-fire way to control your climate is by having a professional installation of air conditioning units in your buildings. D-Mec are leading providers of this service, for any further information you may require, do feel free to get in touch with us today.